Work Hard, Train Hard
No time? Low on energy? Family commitments? These are all excuses I hear about balancing a training regimen with a busy work schedule. I can relate, but don’t despair: as a great passion of mine, let me share some of my all-time top tips. Whether you’re looking to be the next Arnie or just lose a few kilograms, I’ve got you covered. Work hard, train hard.
- The top question I get asked has the simplest answer: no, there are no hacks. You’ve just got to put in the work. You’ll no doubt have seen a variety of body/workout hacks, promising everything from results with 30 minutes of exercise per week to being able to pop supplements and never touch a dumbbell. As someone who has been working out for the best part of a decade, I’m going to be very clear: there are no quick wins here. Working out means routines, means repetition and ultimately means hard work. For sure there are better ways to do it (those willing to run on a treadmill for two hours every day, for example) but unfortunately, there are no shortcuts.
- There is no best time, you’ve got to see every moment as potential. We’re always looking for the “best time” and the reality is that it’ll never arrive. You need to adopt an always-on mentality. Hotel with a gym? Great, get down there. Hotel without a gym? No problem, crack open your tablet and follow one of the thousands of bodyweight routines on YouTube. Even if you’re stuck on a plane, you can find something beneficial to do. Don’t be tempted to over-plan & under-deliver either; if you plan to go to the gym every other day or on certain days then something will always get in the way. Instead, have this simple mantra: I’ll work out whenever I can.
- Figure out what works for you, otherwise you’ll get bored and stop. One of the most important steps is understanding what you like and definitely dislike. Personally, I hate cardio, but there are other ways (like super-setting weight) that can give me similar cardio effects. Try it all, and if you find yourself getting bored then try something else. Hate cardio? Try weights. Weights getting you down? How about circuits, or swimming, or callisthenics. Maybe you need a personal trainer once a week to keep on track, but whatever it is, FIND IT.
- Dieting & working out are a package deal, mostly. There are a few myths here that I’ll dispel: firstly, you can’t work out and use that as an excuse to eat whatever you want. Conversely, you shouldn’t be hammering it from both sides. I see countless examples of people cutting the calories and working out like crazy. This is a no-go, and blending it with a busy lifestyle will end badly. Instead just try to eat right, cut out the desserts and snacking and you’ll be just fine. Personally, I use Huel to replace breakfast & lunch, which makes sure I’m at least getting the right nutrients twice a day. Click here to check Huel out & save £10 (disclaimer: this is a referral code).
- Visualisation. It’s important to understand why you’re putting in all this effort. This is the most important tactic and it’s where I see people fail. Every time you think about your workout, be clear about the purpose. Is it to look great on the beach? To impress your partner/potential partner? Improve your health? It doesn’t matter what the why is, but it does matter that you know what it is.
Working out isn’t a point & shoot exercise, and I could write a book about the lessons I’ve had to learn the hard way over the last 10 years. These top tips will help kick you into gear and avoid some common pitfalls, but if you have any questions then let me know. Most importantly, stay positive and remember why you’re doing this. Only then will you be able to dig deep, achieve great results and train hard, work hard.